Tag Archives: water

Day 180 – The Creek

1 Oct

The weather has been so awesome here lately, I am so sad because I know winter is just around the corner. We will get a tease of fall and then BAM nasty winter and stupid snow. So I am trying to enjoy these gorgeous days while I can. This was taken on some side road about ten minutes from my house, I am not sure what caught my eye enough to get out of the car but I do like a creek and the leading line of the creek going up the center of the photo really interested me.

I wasn’t thrilled with the color or the b&w version of this so I met myself in the middle ground and just brought the opacity of the color down. It gives it an old feel that I really like. Hope you enjoy!

Day 143 – Are we in Italy?

25 Aug

There is a wonderful place close to Venice Beach called the canals and it literally made me feel a tiny bit of what it would be like to be in Italy. The canals run behind these beautiful homes with gorgeous flowers and greenery, quaint little bridges, and boats lining the docks.

The entire time we roamed around this area people were exploring the canals taking photos, walking their pets, or just enjoying the beautiful day. It was such a relaxing environment and I could have spent the entire day there shooting the scenery.

The photo I am posting tonight is of the canals and it was edited using a tilt shift generator to give it the look of a “miniature” scene. I would go into more detail about this but since I am posting from my phone it will have to wait till a later date.

Thanks to my friend Jon (@jonyag) for turning me on to such a wonderful place to photograph. Check out Jon’s amazing photography at http://www.jonyager.com/

Day 112 – Reflections

25 Jul

Sometimes when you drive around your own home town or surrounding areas looking for photos to shoot you stumble upon places you didn’t even know existed and it is a pleasant surprise. Beth and I drove around river road over in Louisville and we came across this park with a pond and the first thing I said as we drove past was “can you see any reflections?!?” Turns out we could 🙂

I am not sure what it is about a scene being reflected in water that appeals to me but I really enjoy capturing those types of images. It could be that it plays into my love of repetition or maybe I just find water peaceful, I am not sure but I do constantly look for any scene that involved water or a reflection in water.

Do any of you have this same relationship with shooting water? Maybe you can better explain it than I can!



Day 12 – Sunset Over the Ohio River

15 Apr

It was a beautiful night here in Indiana so Christopher and I went down to the waterfront and had a great time taking photos. I shot with and without the tripod, on CA Mode, in Manual Mode, with different lenses, standing up, laying down…in other words you name it I tried it. I guess you could say I was trying to put to use all that I had learned.

I won’t lie, I will probably use many of the shots I took tonight over the course of this blog because I was lucky to have some great opportunities to photograph  some beautiful scenery. We also learned tonight that when I have my camera in hand I am allergic to water. Every time I would get near the edge of the river I would panic a little like a cat getting ready to be thrown in the bath tub. I can only conclude that I am quite attached to my camera and I worried that my clumsy behind would fall into the river, not only would that ruin my camera but ruin my metal stability because that river is really murky!

I couldn’t decide between these two shots of the sunset for different reason so I just decided to post them both. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Sunset Over the Ohio River

Sunset Over the Ohio River

Ohio River Sunset

Ohio River Sunset

This next shot is not mine at all. Christopher loves to take photographs just as much as I do and I owe him for nurturing my renewed passion for it a few years ago. He had a wonderful new Canon camera that he allowed me to take to a concert to see Bo Bice, I was even shocked by the quality of the photos I took that night and the reaction from the fans just fueled the fire that was building in me to learn more. He basically turned the camera over to me for the next few years and never once complained that I had it, he drives me around when I want to go hunting for a great shot, and he is my camera pack mule in the process 😉 He is so supportive of what I am doing and of what I do so it really is a pleasure to post something for him anytime he decides to wrestle the camera from me to take some shots of his own, any might I say it is a beautiful photograph!

Second Street Bridge - Louisville, KY

Second Street Bridge - Louisville, KY

Patricia Leever

Live. Breathe. Write.


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Photography. With some life thrown in.

ViewPoint Photographie

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All I've Got is a Photograph...

Capture What Counts Photography

Say Cheese

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Mary B Photography 365 Project

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Photography by Mindy

I see the world in snapshots

Laura's Project 365 Photography Blog

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” Eccl 11:4 TLB