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S is for Screw

19 Jun

I almost missed today’s post because I spent the evening at Uptown Art Uncorked. If you guys have one of these in your area I highly recommend that you go. It is so much fun.

Okay, back to my found object. My found object for this post was an old screw found on the sidewalk. Things like this seem so dangerous to have lying around where kids are running around most of the day. It is amazing that I would have never seen this had I not been taking these photos. That really does go to show you how little we sometimes pay to the world around us.

I don’t know if it was starting this project or if it was the amazing conversation I had with Christopher that evening, but I am feeling so motivated. I know I am taking on too many projects and I can guarantee I am going to get overwhelmed but I am so excited about all of them. I am even more excited to continue to throw myself and much of my spare time into this passion of mine. It is a really good feeling to go to bed at night exhausted but excited.


H is for Hexagon

18 Jun

My “Found Objects” project is turning out to be a lot of fun. I have decided to only take them on my phone and only edit them on my phone. I have no idea why I have added these stipulations, it just seems to make sense at the moment. I do however reserve the right to change my mind without prior notice or warning!  I would actually recommend this type of project to all my camera minded friends as it really makes you look at things quite differently and forces you to really think about how you are going to frame each shot to make these pieces of trash look like something interesting.

I am not really sure what this object is so we both decided (Christopher and I, just in case you missed the first post) I could use it to represent a hexagon. It technically is a hexagon shape but you couldn’t pay me to tell you what it was used for. This is one of the images I was trying to capture when a couple of folks came strolling past me and looked at me like I had a horn growing out of my head. To which I wanted to reply “Yes, I am crawling on the sidewalk taking photos of trash. Don’t judge me!” I think they still judged me a little.

I hope you guys had a wonderful Tuesday and if you start any found object projects please let me know so I can follow your progress!




Found Objects from A-Z

17 Jun

While walking along Bardstown Road yesterday afternoon with Christopher I came across a discarded book that I just had to take a photo of, and after adjusting my angle and some helpful suggestions from Mr. Shiner I finally got the shot I wanted. As I was walking away from the book I had a light bulb moment… we should make this a game!

It took us a few minutes to hammer out the rules of the game, because we are both anal like that, but we finally decided that the object would be to photograph found objects along the streets from A-Z. Not necessarily in that order but the first letter of the object we photographed was the only letter that counted, we couldn’t move the object from where or how we found it, it couldn’t be part of the natural environment, and neither of us could photograph the same object. Sounds fun right? It was, until said game  forced us to notice how indescribably dirty Bardstown Road is and how many weird things people discard on the street.

Instead of our usual conversation filled walks we were now on a mission to beat one another to the coolest objects along the street. Picture us crawling around  Bardstown Road, taking photos of objects like cigarette butts and old spoons. I am sure we looked insane. We had a great time until we took a break for lunch, and a downpour ruined any plans we had  for more street crawling.We have decided to make it an ongoing project until we are finished.

More than anything this little game has really motivated me to get back to the photo walks I used to do and the images that I used to love to capture. A while back I decided to focus on portrait work because I was so afraid of it before and somewhere in all that focusing I lost the way I looked at my daily world. I used to spend so much of my time taking photos of everything from nature to architecture and I really still have passion for that, this little game we played just reminded me to make time for it.

I am posting my first “found photo” which represents my “B” find,  and is obviously a book.  If you didn’t get that from the photo we need to talk.

Patricia Leever

Live. Breathe. Write.


Dedicated to Cohort 17

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“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” Eccl 11:4 TLB