Found Objects from A-Z

17 Jun

While walking along Bardstown Road yesterday afternoon with Christopher I came across a discarded book that I just had to take a photo of, and after adjusting my angle and some helpful suggestions from Mr. Shiner I finally got the shot I wanted. As I was walking away from the book I had a light bulb moment… we should make this a game!

It took us a few minutes to hammer out the rules of the game, because we are both anal like that, but we finally decided that the object would be to photograph found objects along the streets from A-Z. Not necessarily in that order but the first letter of the object we photographed was the only letter that counted, we couldn’t move the object from where or how we found it, it couldn’t be part of the natural environment, and neither of us could photograph the same object. Sounds fun right? It was, until said game  forced us to notice how indescribably dirty Bardstown Road is and how many weird things people discard on the street.

Instead of our usual conversation filled walks we were now on a mission to beat one another to the coolest objects along the street. Picture us crawling around  Bardstown Road, taking photos of objects like cigarette butts and old spoons. I am sure we looked insane. We had a great time until we took a break for lunch, and a downpour ruined any plans we had  for more street crawling.We have decided to make it an ongoing project until we are finished.

More than anything this little game has really motivated me to get back to the photo walks I used to do and the images that I used to love to capture. A while back I decided to focus on portrait work because I was so afraid of it before and somewhere in all that focusing I lost the way I looked at my daily world. I used to spend so much of my time taking photos of everything from nature to architecture and I really still have passion for that, this little game we played just reminded me to make time for it.

I am posting my first “found photo” which represents my “B” find,  and is obviously a book.  If you didn’t get that from the photo we need to talk.

7 Responses to “Found Objects from A-Z”

  1. Kelly June 17, 2013 at 12:21 pm #

    So excited that your blogging again!! We had just found each other again on FB when you were doing it before,and I never knew that part of you! Your an amazing photographer and I LOVE looking at all and any of your work!! Cant wait to follow you every day sweetie!! ❤
    (Hey maybe a book? Just sayin ; )

    • mindymilburn June 17, 2013 at 3:00 pm #

      You are just the sweetest thing! Thank you so much my dear, you have no idea how much that means to me! ❤

  2. bonniegunkel June 17, 2013 at 12:26 pm #

    I actually did a double take when this email showed up in my inbox! Welcome back! I’ve lost my momentum with all that’s been going on but I’ll get back to it one day. So glad you’re going to be blogging again!

    • mindymilburn June 17, 2013 at 3:01 pm #

      Thank you Bon, I totally understand about losing momentum. I swear that 365 project was my undoing. But now it will be without pressure so I may enjoy it again!

  3. Jackie June 17, 2013 at 1:05 pm #

    I love this! I cannot wait to read your blogs and see your photos! I can’t stop picturing you on that street laughing and taking pictures of strange things!

    • mindymilburn June 17, 2013 at 3:01 pm #

      Thank you my sweet friend! I am sure we looked a hot mess, but you know me, I couldn’t care less 🙂


  1. H is for Hexagon | Photography by Mindy - June 18, 2013

    […] really sure what this object is so we both decided (Christopher and I, just in case you missed the first post) I could use it to represent a hexagon. It technically is a hexagon shape but you couldn’t […]

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