Tag Archives: project 365

Day 221 – Red Doors

11 Nov

Keeping with the architecture theme I went looking for some beautiful churches and boy howdy does Louisville have some beautiful churches. I want to go spend an entire day walking around taking photos of just churches but until then I will share what I was able to capture.

Day 103 – Wild Horses

16 Jul

I know you  hear me talk a lot about my mom going out to take photos with me and I think that is because it was a passion she had when she was younger. I didn’t really know about it until a few years ago when I started really getting into the details of photography and she told me about how my dad bought her a professional camera with several lenses and how she always wanted to take photos of bugs and flowers. She really touched me with her dream because it is how I feel and I wish I had known long ago, just like I am sure she did.

I try to get her to take my camera now when she points things out to me to shoot but she hasn’t taken me up on the offer yet, hopefully one day she will and maybe I will share some of her creations with you. It is wonderful having so much support and it is a lot of fun going out with her driving around looking for memories to capture. My shot for today is not only a day in my photo blog but a memory that my mom and I made together and that is the most important thing in the world to me.

We drove up a road to take a photo of a small church and she pointed out this white horse to the side of the road just galloping around so as we drove back from the church I asked her to pull over so I could try to take a photo. As we pulled over I noticed there were two horses, one brown and one white and they were coming right to me. I got a little nervous at first because there was just a small wire (I am assuming electric) fence and this irrational fear of wild horses crept up on me but my mom reminded me that they weren’t wild horses and they were just curious. They were so beautiful and I wanted to share one of the photos I took. Next time I am taking carrots along with me for the ride 🙂

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Day 84 – Up on the Hill

28 Jun

So, I have one more barn photo. I thought I was done but I guess I am not, and I liked this shot so I had to share it. I am not going to say I won’t be revisiting the barn thing soon but I promise I am done after this one for a while 🙂

I love the textures in this one and the pops of red from the fencing and of course the fact that it is a barn really toots my horn. I didn’t do too much with this shot besides tweaking the contrast and adding a little definition with clarity to the details and I think it is quite lovely. Thanks for baring with me while I explored my  barn love and if you have any suggestions for my next point of interest please share, I am feeling a little uninspired.

Up on the Hill

Up on the Hill

Patricia Leever

Live. Breathe. Write.


Dedicated to Cohort 17

Pearls & Prose

Photography. With some life thrown in.

ViewPoint Photographie

Schleefy's view of the world

All I've Got is a Photograph...

Capture What Counts Photography

Say Cheese

my view of life through a lens

Mary B Photography 365 Project

A photo a day, one day at a time

Photography by Mindy

I see the world in snapshots

Laura's Project 365 Photography Blog

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” Eccl 11:4 TLB