Tag Archives: reflections

Day 159 – Canal Bridge

10 Sep

Another photo from the Venice Canals. Imagine this as your view when you step out onto your back patio! Just gorgeous. Seeing neighbors paddle their boats down one of the canals, beautiful flowers, vibrant colors. It is definitely a place out of the movies. It reminds me of a calm, peaceful and happy day. I  needed that today.

I am feeling under the weather today and just drained so I am lucky to make it long enough to post, but someone I love more than anything told me that bad nights are gone by morning, I hope that is true for me.

Day 112 – Reflections

25 Jul

Sometimes when you drive around your own home town or surrounding areas looking for photos to shoot you stumble upon places you didn’t even know existed and it is a pleasant surprise. Beth and I drove around river road over in Louisville and we came across this park with a pond and the first thing I said as we drove past was “can you see any reflections?!?” Turns out we could 🙂

I am not sure what it is about a scene being reflected in water that appeals to me but I really enjoy capturing those types of images. It could be that it plays into my love of repetition or maybe I just find water peaceful, I am not sure but I do constantly look for any scene that involved water or a reflection in water.

Do any of you have this same relationship with shooting water? Maybe you can better explain it than I can!



Day 56 – After The Storm

31 May

I am on day 2 of my night photography theme and I thought I was going to miss my chance to go out tonight all together because we had one serious storm.

I had planned to go to the bridge and take some long exposures of the cars going by but that will have to wait until later this week because the walking path was closed. Instead we drove around downtown Louisville looking for something interesting to shoot. I love taking photographs right after it rains because everything looks so beautiful. The lights reflect off of every surface and it seems like everywhere you turn there is a photograph waiting to happen.

We drove past this beautiful building and I yelled “ACK, I want to shoot that!” After we got out of the car I noticed a fountain across the street from the building and I thought that would be an interesting forefront to add to the shot. I set up my tripod, put the camera on manual and started with the ISO set at 400. I kept the aperture at F8 and then adjusted the shutter speed until I got the lighting that I wanted. I believe I have said before that downtown Louisville looks like it is bathed in yellow at nighttime and this is no exception but I think it turned out quite lovely.

After The Storm

After The Storm

Day 21 – Storm Clouds

25 Apr

It stormed here all day so getting out to take a photo was challenging, as soon as it let up and the storm clouds were starting to roll out I stepped out into my parking lot and set up my tripod. I love the reflection of the lights in the water, which is what I had in mind for a rainy day shot (just much more pronounced) so hopefully I can make that happen on another rainy day. I like the contrast in the sky as well, you can’t really tell if the storm was rolling in or out in the photo, but thankfully it was on its way out!.

Hope you enjoy the shot.

Storm Clouds

Storm Clouds

Patricia Leever

Live. Breathe. Write.


Dedicated to Cohort 17

Pearls & Prose

Photography. With some life thrown in.

ViewPoint Photographie

Schleefy's view of the world

All I've Got is a Photograph...

Capture What Counts Photography

Say Cheese

my view of life through a lens

Mary B Photography 365 Project

A photo a day, one day at a time

Photography by Mindy

I see the world in snapshots

Laura's Project 365 Photography Blog

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” Eccl 11:4 TLB