Tag Archives: sisters

Day 85 – Summertime Fun

29 Jun

Several of you suggested that I try to do some action shots for my next theme and so I went out today hunting for some action. Man, that sounds kind of racy! But you know what I mean. We scoured every area we could think of looking for inspiration and started out our journey at Cherokee Park in Louisville. It is a HUGE park, I mean seriously huge and while it is very pretty, inspiration wasn’t jumping out at me until we stopped to take a photo of a fountain on the playground.

As I was walking up I said to Beth “I wish there were kids playing in it! But I am going to try to catch the different motion of the water” so I set out playing with exposure when all of a sudden these two little girls that had been swinging came running over to play. I had to include some shots of the smallest girl because she was absolutely adorable, but I also included one shot where I kept it on a long exposure time and shot them doing the “shower dance” as they kept yelling at their mom. The dance involved them throwing their hands above their heads and shaking their hips side to side and I think in the last shot you get that sense of movement.

Hope you enjoy the shots as much as I did taking them, these two girls made our entire trip to the park worth while!

Sisters playing in the fountain

Sisters playing in the fountain

First venture into the cold water!

First venture into the cold water!

Happy as a clam

Happy as a clam

The shower dance

The shower dance

Patricia Leever

Live. Breathe. Write.


Dedicated to Cohort 17

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“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” Eccl 11:4 TLB